Cornelius Vanderbilt Research Paper

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There have been multitudes of people who have made drastic differences in the United States, but a key figure in History is Cornelius Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt went from an eleven year old school dropout to the wealthiest man in the United States. This self-made millionaire changed trade and transportation in the United States forever by building a railroad industry. Americans could travel across the country in less than half the time and buy products they could have never before. His railroad industry connected those in the north, south, east, and west in ways that were unprecedented. Vanderbilt was never recognized for his philanthropy, but made generous donations to universities and churches. Cornelius Vanderbilt was one of the most …show more content…

Cornelius was born to a ferryman and a farmer and dropped out of school at age eleven to help his father on the waterfront. By age sixteen, Cornelius wanted to be a boatman so he told his mother he would plow an eight acre field for a loan of $100. With this money Cornelius began his transportation company between New York and Staten Island. His business flourished and he was able to give his mother $1,000 in return. Vanderbilt was soon recognized for, “being capable, reliable, and honest,” (Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History). His business began to expand even more when the War of 1812 occurred; He was able to make a three month deal with the government to supply the forts around New York. The money he made from this enabled him to buy more vessels. Vanderbilt kept building and expanding his industry and by the age of forty his wealth had grown to $500,000. Cornelius’s drive at a very young age enabled him, an average boy in America, to become America’s first …show more content…

Vanderbilt went from a school dropout at age 11 to the wealthiest man in the United States by the end of his life. Vanderbilt’s life shows the possibilities of the American Dream: he had a dream, he pursued it, and he lived it. Even though Vanderbilt was criticized for his fierce business tactics and intense drive, these qualities are what pushed him to be successful. Cornelius Vanderbilt’s great success and self-made background are what make him one of the most significant men of the gilded

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