Cornel West Structural Functionalism

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West Question’s 1-2. The purpose of structural functionalism focuses on the design of white males that was created to function successful for white men in society.Therefore,Cornel West explains that structural functionalism is problematic because it only focuses on whites and doesn’t focus on everyone as equal. I agree with Cornel West argument because the structural functionalism is a problematic because it doesn’t look at people of color and whites as one society. This causes inequality in the distribution of power and social standing. Also, the structural system works on white men. However, it doesn’t work on black men because people of color were not integrated in the …show more content…

The aim of cultural workers should focus on deconstructing images and how the images effect of how we look at blacks. Also, deconstruct black strategies in order to obtain identity formation. Also, incorporate class in power relations and diversity of black practices. Also, homophic biases patriarchal. 8. Demystification works by using theoretical inquiry by promoting new cultural politics of difference. Therefore, it looks at complex dynamic of intuitional and power structures to allow alternatives for transformative praxis .Also, looks at representational strategies that are responses to conditions and circumstances. 9. Demystificatory is prophetic critism because is identified to be the new cultural politics of difference. Also, it looks at the social structural analyzes and makes political aims. 10. I agree with West ideas in this article because black people were born in state domination and caused them to be alienated .This caused them to struggle to obtain ,material recourses and be recognized as a human being. They were denied to obtain identify based on the negative images in cultural about blacks. Also, the negative images are misrepresentation that affected on how they interact with others and reinforced stereotypes. Also, I agree that black workers should deconstruct images and their

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