Core Concepts Of Cqi's Approach To Quality Management

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CQI is an approach to quality management that builds upon traditional quality assurance methods by emphasizing the organization and systems: it focuses on "process" rather than the individual; it recognizes both internal and external "customers"; it promotes the need for objective data to analyze and improve processes.

CQI is a management philosophy which contends that most things can be improved. This philosophy does not subscribe to the theories that “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it." At the core of CQI is serial experimentation (the scientific method) applied to everyday work to meet the needs of those we serve and improve the services we offer.

Core Concepts of CQI
Quality is defined as meeting and/or exceeding the expectations of our …show more content…

It is possible to achieve continual improvement through small, incremental changes using the scientific method.
Continuous improvement is most effective when it becomes a natural part of the way every day work is done.
Core Steps in Continuous Improvement
Form a team that has knowledge of the system needing improvement.
Define a clear aim.
Understand the needs of the people who are served by the system.
Identify and define measures of success.
Brainstorm potential change strategies for producing improvement.
Plan, collect, and use data for facilitating effective decision making.
Apply the scientific method to test and refine changes.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), sometimes referred to as Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI), is a process of creating an environment in which management and workers strive to create constantly improving quality.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is:

A theory-based management system that looks at processes/outcomes
Culture change
Client-centered philosophy
Tools to help quantify what we do
A search for common causes of variation
Driven by

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