Coordinated School Health Program Analysis

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School are now implementing new programs in order for children to give children a rest from sitting all day learning different material and get up and going to move their body. This all has been due to increase number of overweight children in elementary school, and the increate rates of overweight adolescents we well. In certain races it has been more than others, for example in Mexican-Americans boys there has been a twenty-five percent increase an in non-Hispanic black girls there has been a twenty-three percent increase (). Schools have addressed physical activity and nutrition through the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) approach. IT integrated efforts of eight mechanisms schools can do to strongly influence student health. This …show more content…

Because of the increase rates of child obesity, being overweight, diabetes, and other health problems related to weight, people have noticed that there needs to be a change. Institutions that are involved in the development and education of children have been the main target for health care promoters. Since that is the only place other than their home that children spend most of the time in, aiming a focus in education children from there, as well as the adults, is the easiest and most effective form of making a change in their lives. While, there have been some speculation that it does not make a difference because children will still develop the same habits as their parents, it is still a good form of combat against childhood obesity. Although their eating patterns might not change at least they are being provided with information on to how to alter poor nutritional conducts or given some physical activity time to at least get their body moving and burning some of the foods that can cause them to become …show more content…

Not only is it a problem for the people being affected but also health care providers, since it is something that can be stopped, money spent on trying to help someone lower their cholesterol or balance their weight could be used for something else. There have been many measured used to aid people into knowing how to maintain a healthy life without the use of having to get rid of all the foods that they want to eat. Though it may be hard to change an already developed behavior from children, it never to late to correct it once as an adult. Exercise is also a key component in preventing obesity in children. Not only does it allows them to move their to regulate their weight in order for then not to become overweight, it reduces level of stress, increases level of self control, prevent diabetes, decreases cancer risk, help sleep better, prevents high blood pressure, improves heart and lung function, and amongst many more things. This does not mean that children need to be enrolled in a gym and begin doing intense cardio everyday, they can take walks to the park, stairs instead of elevators, join a club, or enter a spot, amongst a few things. Children are becoming so use to being motionless because of all the new technology invented used to entertain someone that they can spend hours sitting in a chair or

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