Conversion Therapy Research Paper

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Homosexuals are currently still being oppressed, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. Doctors, and psychotherapists would have special practices that was used to force the homosexual tendencies out of a person. However, not only doctors would try to cure homosexuality, even some churches would take it upon themselves to force “the devil” out of homosexuals. On top of that, the parents of homosexuals would make them go to these therapies, because they were not able to accept them as they are. Homophobic people may have the slightest thought that homosexuality can be cured, and the process has little risks to it. As a matter of fact attempting to cure homosexuality can be very destructive to one’s brain. People who would have done a very minuscule …show more content…

It is considered a dangerous and discredited practice, and teenagers are the most vulnerable to it. They’re most vulnerable because “conversion therapy can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, homelessness and suicide.”(The Lies and Dangers). As you can see conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, doesn’t have the most splendid effects on people. A man named James Guay had a very tough time “dealing” with his gayness, and had a bad experience with reparative therapy. James Guay grew up in a church learning that being gay would him straight to hell (haha get it?). When he was 16 he started going to a conversion therapist, and was told by his parents and pastor that he should hate himself, which was the only thing that worked, because he did hate himself.The conversion therapy brought him to the point where “[He] would stand on cliffs, fantasizing about killing [himself].” but the only reason he wouldn’t was because of his fear of experiencing worse pain in Hell. The pain of all this hate from all those who “cared” about him eventually made him inflict pain on himself by cutting his wrists (Guay, James). These conversion therapy sessions he was going through were evidently ruining and confusing his brain, and had very crude effects on him. Psychotherapy is another used way of “fixing” homosexuality very similar to reparative therapy. A psychologist named Pavel Sobolevsky warned that …show more content…

Additionally they may clueless to the fact that physical abuse was used in striving to eliminate homosexuality. When in actuality, the experiments can physical damage someone’s body and not just mentally hurt them. Many of these experiments are more of tortures towards the homosexuals, and usually the church is the ones who do in expectation to get the demon out of them. A girl who was 13 came out to her parents and then was taken to her church to be fixed. Later on she told the BBC, “They covered me in holy water and forced me to drink. Sometimes they hit me with rods. I feel like they broke my mind.” (Golubeva, Anastasia). Not only did they physically punish her for being gay, saying that they were fixing her, but the beating led to the corruption of her mind as well. In most cases in which I have read: churches don’t have any boundaries and will just beat someone because they are homosexual, and the church is taught to be homophobic. In another case, a gay man who went to a Word of Faith church was attacked by about twenty members of his church. He was punched, beaten, and choked for two hours, in which he thought he was going to die. In an interview, One of the abusers said that this was “‘to break [him] free of the homosexual demons they so viciously despise’” (Schmidt, Samantha). For this extent of time you would’ve thought

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