Conversio Conversion And Religious Ideas

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William James defines “saintliness” (Pals, 182) as a condition in which “spiritual emotions” are at the core of one’s energy. Saints express a sense of being greater than the secular world; they have known and experienced the effects of the divine through their conversion. A “conversion” (Pals 180) experience involves a division between the “consciously wrong” (Pals 180) and “consciously right” (Pals 180) parts of the body and soul divide, and the “consciously right” side takes over. Conversion involves a decision by a person to dedicate his or her life to spiritual and religious ideas, and these sets of ideas become “the centre of his energy” (Pals 180). Everything he does begins to revolve around these ideas, and eventually his life becomes a shining example of them. The religious ideas must take a “central place” and “religious aims form the habitual centre of his energy” (Pals 180). …show more content…

A “candidate for conversion” (Pals 180) must be aware of his “wrongness” (Pals 180) and ready to make this “escape,” and embody the spiritual ideas of his divine being. The conversion of the “candidate” involves “’a process of struggling away from sin,’” a process which brings him- or her-self closer to “any positive ideal” (Pals 180) that their higher power embodies. The goal is to aim oneself towards likeness of this divine being, to become more and more similar to god. This similarity to god, this likeness with him, is what characterizes a

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