Controversial Issue Of Abortion Essay

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Introduction The controversial issue of abortion today is no longer a taboo. The abortion is not something that has begun to make today, although he has increased over time and the legalization worldwide. This practice dates back to antiquity, the Middle Ages, and today, the modern era. Many abortion methods that vary by week of gestation. However, all lead to the same goal: to cause the death of an unborn. One method is not necessarily better than another, it may simply be less risky for women. This topic sucita divergent opinions: there are those who agree, others reject it, and finally, some adopt a inermedia pocisión. Whatever our opinion, it should be based, it argued and we have all the information necessary to make such a judgment. Actuamente, most abortions are performed, both legal and illegal. It is important that we as young people and students have enough knowledge on the subject to not be influenced by what they say the media and the masses. In addition to helping others, advising them to take the best decision. …show more content…

This essay does not intend to conduct a comprehensive study of abortion, but rather to provide an overview of the relevant issues in order to make our own judgment and draw our conclusions. We want to first of all define as the beginning of human life occurs, studying the status of the human embryo. Then we will discuss what the abortion, and the controversy involved. Then we study the abortion from the point of view of ethics and bioethics. Then we will discuss the position of the Catholic Church to such an act. Finally we will address both physical and psychological consequences of

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