Controlled Parenting

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I believe that parents should be more controlling because it helps keep your child safe and have self-control. When parents are more controlling they can help aid children in areas they are having a hard time on in school or at home. Having more controlling parents lead to a better future for your child because when you are there for them during their childhood years. You can teach them important life skills. Another reason they should be more controlling is to be able to spend more quality time with them. Controlled parenting can help in many ways an example of this would be to keep your child healthy like in the article “Watch What You Eat…or Parents Will”. School officials and nutrition experts state “that controlling what children eat could …show more content…

An example would be Romeo and Juliet when Mercutio gets into a fight with Tybalt and they end up both dying in the end, over something very foolish. In other words you should make for sure your child is hanging out with the right crowd so they do not get hurt or in trouble over something foolish. Controlled parenting helps enforce rules in the household. According to the article “Parenting styles and teens” state a way to do this would be “a Respect Plan. List the behaviors that are not tolerated such as hitting, name calling, swearing, throwing things and yelling. Rewards for following a plan could include a movie, pizza, bowling or other fun activity. List some consequences for not following the plan such as no TV or video games for two days.” Another way of putting this is that there should be either rewards or consequences for the actions of your child. When creating these Respect plans the article “Parenting styles and teens” claim “On one hand it helps to understand why teens act the way they do, on the other hand a parent needs to provide enough structure so that the teen’s behavior does not become destructive to the family, themselves and others.” Another way to interpret this is that it helps the parent understand what is going on inside a teenagers mind and to see what you can do to support them while they get

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