Control In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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In the story Harrison Bergeron which was written by “Kurt Vonnegut” And The story is about A man whose name is Harrison Bergeron who makes everyone think that everyone is equal, but actually he wants to feel that he is stronger and smarter than everyone else. He also controls people by putting chips/microchips into people’s ears but, later in the story something happens not expected at all. Control can be a good and a bad thing.
In the story Harrison Bergeron a specific thing happens that takes a humongous toll in the story. It was when when Harrison started the whole thing, and also when Diane killed Harrison and his fiancee.
“It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, The Handicapper General, came to the studio with a double- barreled shotgun. She fired twice,and the Emperor and the Empress were dead before they hit the floor” Why did the evidence have to with control? Well, Diana would not have killed Harrison and His Empress because, Harrison was controlling everyone to think their race was equal or the same. …show more content…

Well, It can considered “good” ? It is not shown that control is considered great, Control in this story is considered “Horrible” because Harrison ( The controller) is considering himself great but, yet he has no care in world about the people that he is controlling.
Yet, What is good control? Good control is when you have good leader who cares about their leader, and does what is needed . Which, this story does not

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