Contributions to Digital Computing of Alan Turring

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Contributions to Digital Computing of Alan Turring Alan Turing was a dedicated mathematician who devoted his lives works to developing computer knowledge, as we know it today. Alan was born in London, England on June 23, 1912. Alan soon began to attend a local school and his interest in the science fields arose. His teachers an others would try and make him concentrate on other fields such as History an English but his craving for knowledge of mathematics drove him the opposite way. Turing’s prosperous career in math started at King's College, Cambridge University in 1931. After graduation Alan moved on to Princeton University and that is where he explored his idea of a multi propose computer that used one’s and zero’s to describe the steps that needed to be done to solve a particular problem. His machine was later named the “Turning Machine”, which would read each of the steps and perform them in sequence, resulting in the proper answer. Turing had a vision of a computer that could do more than just a few tasks. Turing believed that an algorithm, which is a procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation, or a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing an answer used by a computer. The hard part was finding what the little steps were a how to break down the larger problems. During World War II, Turing used his mathematical skills in the Department of Communications in Britain to decipher German codes. The Germans were using a type of computer called the “Enigma” which was able to generate a constantly changing code that was impossible for the code breakers to decipher in a timely fashion. During this time Turing and h... ... middle of paper ... ... why does a living thing take its shape? He concluded in saying “Instead of asking why a certain arrangement of leaves is especially advantageous to a plant, he tried to show that it was a natural consequence of the process by which the leaves are produced." He saw this as just another algorithm, or simple set of steps. In the beginning of June, 1954 Alan Mathison Turing died from a "self-administered potassium cyanide while in a moment of mental imbalance." Some say that he was homosexual and ended his life in fear of embarrassment but nevertheless Turing was a dedicated man who work towards a goal of Developing further knowledge of digital computer, much like the kind that I am typing on right now an is correcting my grammar an spelling mistakes as I go along. Turing was not much far from his idea that we would have intelligent machines by the year 2000.

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