Contribution And Shortcomings Of Personality Theorists

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1. What is personality, anyway? Personality is academically defined by the book as the unique, relatively enduring internal and external aspects of a person’s character that influence behavior in different situations. I would define personality as a collaboration of an individual’s biological and learned reactions to the world around them. 2. a. What are the major contributions and shortcomings of each of the personality theorists we studied? Sigmund Freud’s idea of psychological tricks that we conduct without really knowing we are doing so is known as ego defense mechanisms. This idea is applied in society today. His thoughts that displacement is one’s way to place an emotion into another object, is a common explanation to some people’s …show more content…

According to Jung, our psyche produces energy that can be channeled externally or internally. When one channels energy externally, to the outside world, Jung says that person is an extrovert. When that energy is channeled internally, toward one’s own emotions and ideas, that person is introverted. Jung also arranged four functions of personality: sensing, intuiting, thinking, and feeling. His idea has conjured new ideas of personality tests. Katharine and Isabel Myers, mother and daughter, used Jung’s personality theory to create the well-known personality assessment, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The one part many cannot accept is the collective unconscious idea Jung proposed. He believed that everyone has a folder of memories that contain human past. Everyone goes through similar life experiences and these universal experiences are passed on to the next generation. The idea that we are all connected by experiences from human history is hard to approve, just like reincarnation is difficult to accept. Adler’s theory pertains to humans as individuals; we are all unique concoctions of traits, motivations, interests, and values. He believed we were not bad or good, just chooser in situations. Adler says that we are in control of our own outcomes in life; this is a contribution of his. Another of Adler’s contributions is his style of life theory. There is a unique character structure that each of us contain helps us strive for our final goal. A shortcoming of Adler’s theory was his lack of biological influence in personality. He focused mainly on the social aspect of individuals’

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