Contrast Childhood And Adulthood

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Childhood and adulthood, both an inevitable part of life, yet both so different. When thinking about childhood and adulthood, what is the main difference? The main difference for most should be the stress levels. Childhood is a less stressful time of life, as opposed to adulthood, because being an adult means obligated to pay bills, being responsible for everyone in their family, and lastly having the stress of a job. Childhood is such a sweet innocent part of everyday life. Waking up for school in the morning sure seems a whole lot easier than waking up to go work a 12-hour shift. Being a child has all the perks an adult wishes they had once again. Having to wake up at 5 o’clock every morning to go to a job that isn’t very enjoyable can get tedious quick, as to where when children go to school they never anticipate the adventures that await them. When becoming an adult stress levels will tend to sky rocket. So instead of waking up to enjoy some morning cartoons, or even arts and craft at school as children normally would, adults …show more content…

Having a home for themselves and their family to live in is a major necessity in the way of life, having a vehicle is the next big thing for an adult to have. Having both necessities comes with a price, that price being the bills behind it. If an adult has a house that adult will accumulate not only a power/light bill, but a water bill, a cable bill if they would like to watch tv, maybe even an internet or gas bill. Not to mention the bills that come with having a car. They could have a car payment, or how about gas? What about all the tire replacements or oil changes needed? What happens if something goes wrong? These questions and these bills can cause an adult to go into major stress mode. As to where with children none of that stuff will even phase them, because they simply just do not have to think about things like

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