Continuity Vs Discontinuity Theory Of Development Essay

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The concepts of nature versus nurture and continuity versus discontinuity are important issues throughout developmental psychology that can be applied toward five specific theories of development. Although the issues have their differences, they each include how its own theory is being addressed. These issues that most philosophers like to use such as the nature versus nurture stands for one’s own character revolved around their surroundings versus the upbringing care or training of a child. The debate centers on relative contributions of environmental experiences and biological inheritance to human life span. The issues continuity versus discontinuity debate whether development is a gradual, cumulative change or series of distinct stages. According to the Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory, children go through four stages of cognitive development by actively constructing their understanding of the world. Each stage contains its approximate age, distinct way of thinking and a change of understanding the world. This theory addresses nature-nurture issue because it is a cognitive development that exists naturally through mental structures and changes by the environment. As well as it addresses continuity-discontinuity issue because it involves distinct stages in life span and gradual cumulative changes. Another …show more content…

This is simply a nurture issue because it involves with the social environment. It also must do with social interaction and culture in the cognitive development but far more different to Piaget’s theory. According to Vygotsky, the children’s social interaction with more-skilled adults and peers is indispensable. They eventually learn what tools are specifically needed to help them adapt and certainly be a lot more successful in their

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