Contemporary Christian Music Analysis

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Many Christians have the urge to cling to their custom and obligations, so as to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to live their lives as he did. In the Gospel of John 4:23, Jesus has provided a clear definition of the deeds that pleases him as he mentions ". . . the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him". In this light, Contemporary Christian Music, which is commonly denoted as CCM, is a popular music that features evangelical Christian lyrics in which, according to research, is the most widely consumed form of commercial entertainments for America's 70 to 80 million evangelical Christians (Lindenbaum, 2012). As an allegorical figure in the hearts of his …show more content…

For Christian artist, there are two distinct types of music, one which lyrically deals with Jesus, also known as the gospel music, and the other category is the secular music (Howard & Streck, 1996). There has been controversial assumptions that secular music is subversive, while CCM is substantial due to its uplifting lyrics. It does not make sense to think that one secular song can fully corrupt a believer upon hitting his or her ears, but listening to music that directly oppose Godly values may become a stronghold in the life of the individual. The lyrics of this CCM possess its own aura of aesthetic value because it comprises of many praises to Jesus the Messiah, in encouraging individuals to worship and to praise. It is a simple, yet compact contemporary music with praises choruses and chants that can evoke powerful spiritualization and emotions among its listener. In reference to the research performed by Kesha Morant William, who focuses on the diversity of Christian music in a group of candidates for her research paper, " Exploring Christian Listener's Social Location and Christian Music Listening ", she uncovers that the majority of the research participants choose to listen to CCM because the lyrics help them to meditate and think about Jesus (Williams et. al, 2013). The metaphors embedded in this "Jesus" song, such as " You're my rock and, my …show more content…

The forms of miracles execution by Jesus appear in the lyrics of this CCM to remind the society that the indisputable miracles are true stories claimed by the twelve apostles in the gospels. Based on a survey conducted by the Religious Landscape Study in 2016, a striking trend in the American religion is observed and around 49% of the Americans who are raised in a religion indicate a lack of belief in the miracles of Jesus, which then led them to forsake their own religion. In this song, Tomlin rehearses the power of Jesus over nature and his unique ability to heal the sick, through the third verse of the song; " Jesus, Jesus, Who walks on the water, Who speaks to the sea, Who stands in the fire beside me, He carries my healing in his hands. ". The associated lyrics connect to the Gospel of Matthew which depicts that it is completely normal for a human being to be discombobulated of the miracles performed by Jesus, that even the disciples who bear witness to the event is petrified at their first sight as " the disciples saw [Jesus] walking on the sea, they were terrified" (Matthew 14:26). The same occasion is described in the Gospel of Mark, in which " Jesus came towards his disciples early in the morning, walking at sea, they thought it was a ghost and they cried out." (Mark 6:48-49). Identical to the two synoptic Gospels, the canonical Gospel of John

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