Consumerism In Fight Club

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Consumerism also separates us from being the natural man. When the Narrator and Tyler are in the bar talking about what a duvet is, Tyler says “Is this essential to our survival in the hunter gatherer sense of the word?” (0:29). Of course not, people can survive without a duvet, but this is what consumerism has made us think that we need things that we do not truly need. Shopping, magazines, fashion, and lifestyle obsessions arise from this. The Narrator falls victim to consumerism because his apartment is filled with Ikea furniture. At the beginning of the film he says, “Like so many others I have become a slave to the Ikea nesting instinct” (0:04) Like many of us, this is one of the main things that also separates us from the natural world. …show more content…

Fight Club is primal with no speaking. “The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club” (Tyler 0:42). Members who saw each other in public, gave each other looks meaning that they will see them on Saturday. Without speaking to each other they knew what happened last night. There was a scene where the narrator goes in to the basement and says, “The smell of dried blood, dirty, bare footprints circling each other, that aroma of old sweat like fried chicken. The feel of a floor still warm from the fight the night before” (1:50). It was a way of communicating without speaking. One could tell who was a member was by looking at the face of other members to see if the face was damaged from previous fights. Along with this, the Narrators boss found a printed copy of the rules of Fight Club. That meant that Fight Club did exist, it had meaning, and it locked it in that meaning with those words on the …show more content…

Back with our early ancestors, people would hunt animals and run from predators. As hunters had to go with the flow of nature, they had to adapt to the conditions of each day and the hunting game available for that day. Today, we seem to have a consistent lifestyle. We go to work, school, home, and to the market. We have some idea of what could happen next. For example, it is not likely that a wild animal is not going to appear and attack you. In the film the character of Tyler was unique, as he had a different way of thinking and his actions could not be foretold completely, as seen when the narrator suddenly found out about Project Mayhem. In one scene, Tyler drives with the narrator at high speeds, and Tyler lets go of the wheel. Then tells the Narrator that he needs to go with the flow of life. “Stop trying to control everything and just let go” (Tyler 1:39). Tyler seems relaxed and is not frightened at the consequences of driving without steering at high speeds. The Narrator thinks that what Tyler is doing is ridiculous and dangerous, but Tyler thinks in a different view of life than most people. It feels like Tyler wants to push the Narrator to do something that he truly wants to do in his life before

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