Consumer Perception Essay

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Conative way to determine consumer perception value
Conative way to determine consumer perception value is where the consumer's thought process about a product is based upon the likelihood of the brand purchase. It requires a company to understand the consumer’s perception about their product. And also what is the customer looking for in the product of his or her choice as compared to its competitors.

Decision Making Framework for Consumer Perception Value and How it is measured.
The framework for the consumer perception value is based linking antecedents of perceived value and willingness to buy. The framework is built in a way where the price of a service is determined by the quality of service being offered. When the price of the service …show more content…

Price Based Theories - This first theory focuses on the classification and study of the quality price relationship. And this led to the initial conceptualization of value as a cognitive tradeoff between perceptions of quality and sacrifice. As per this view the external ques influence product quality and value. Various instances so offered by Agarwal and Teas (2001, 2002, 2004); Dodds and Monroe (1985); Dodds et al. (1991); Grewal et al. (1998a); Li et al. (1994); Monroe (1979, 1990); Monroe and Chapman (1987); Monroe and Krishnan (1985); Oh (2003); Teas and Agarwal (2000); Wood and Scheer (1996) state the importance of price which does a bearing on the marketability of a …show more content…

And if one of them is removed then the brand would not be there. In the words of Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks, “Every customer is important”. This line clearly states that customer perception of a product or the value of a product which is perceived by the consumer is influential to the retail corporate branding and corporate image of a business

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