Consumer Identity

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The need for identity as a heart to understand consumer behaviour
Identity can be defined as an direct image of what a persons ' appearance, thinks, feels and behaviour (Americus Reed, Mark R. Forehand, 2012). It means how people see themselves and how others see them. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, self-actualization needs at the top of the pyramid model which is the need of human hope to realize their potential and get self-satisfaction. Consequently, identity is the best embodiment of such indicators of this need. In addition to this, consumer behavior is the basic study of marketing decision and the developing marketing strategies. It is the consumer to obtain, use and disposal of the various actions taken by goods or services, …show more content…

Thirdly, sometimes it affected by reference groups. Then, in the premise of meeting consumer demand for real or potential, and companies also can influence consumption. Therefore, consumer behavior has these features likes diversity, complexity, behavior congruence and navigation that is difficult to understand. What is more, Michael R. Solomon and Gary Bamossy (2010) believed that gender, ethnicity, sexuality, location, nationality and class are the factors which shape a person’s identity. Based on this, according to postmodernism views that identity is far more complex and pay more attention to the individual level (Michael R. Solomon and Gary Bamossy, 2010), this essay will explains the relationship between the need for identity and consumer behaviour by individual level and group level, then discuss the limitations of it in the end. For individual level, gender identity is crucial to understand consumers subjective feelings. For example, females have rich feelings, mood change dramatically and like to fantasy, in the purchase process they are not only vulnerable by emotional factors, but also affected by the purchase atmosphere, salesperson attitude and consumer behaviour of others. On the other hand, males consumer …show more content…

It is about a personal experience of their own gender (Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger 2006). It not likes sexual identity that about persons biological gender, gender identity is not only connected to one’s physical anatomy. This is a complicated relationship between a person 's gender (biological sex) and the internal feeling of self-male, female, both or neither (gender identity), as well as a person 's perception of external presentation and related behaviour, including their gender roles, likes masculinity and femininity that means which sex is dominate. For instance, Land Rover drives are overwhelmingly male with 72% in 2010. Because most of men are born with the spiritual explorer, like to adventure and challenge and Land Rover as a famous British brand of sport utility vehicle is very suitable for this need of male identity. Land Rover has grown to have all models and highly respected global leader in the luxury SUV, its powerful easy to manage a variety of road conditions, overall performance and breath of capability, with sales repeatedly refresh the historical record. It attracts male consumer to buy one with an aggressive physical design in masculine marketing. What is more, it also meet the need of male consumer to shows the image of male strength and

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