Construction Of False Memory

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The construction of false memories is a combination of perception and distorted events which cultivate a perspective of an event. Often, memory is documented with clarity and accuracy, while it is prone to fallacy. Memories can be false in relatively minor ways, such as believing one saw their keys in the kitchen when it was in the living room. While all experiences of memory failures are uniquely distinctive of one’s recollection of an event, false memories are influenced by a number of factors. Misinformation and misattribution of information were main components of false implications. Existing knowledge and other memories interfere with the formation of a memory. The interference of existing knowledge causes a recollection of an event to …show more content…

Memory is malleable and can result in suffering from false memory syndrome. Traumatic details can frame normal everyday life negativity affecting one’s ability to function. The focus on unconscious repression has been superseded by a greater understanding of how trauma impacts on the developing self and of how neural mechanisms underpin the deliberate exclusion of unwanted material from consciousness. Emotional trauma memory can be more vividly remembered than non-traumatic memories, so it wouldn’t be repressed. Repressed memories have been traced back to Freud’s theory. False memories, however, can be recovered into validated memories. An investigation of false memories for stressful experiences could represent a major stride toward resolving these issues. The Hyman et. al study immediately resulted in the recollection of memories in childhood by 68 participants (Porter, 1999). These study demonstrated that individuals who have different emotional types of highly emotional events can recover these memories. Whereas the manipulation of the mind represents susceptibility to misinformation. False memories can make people concerned about the way they see the world, but they shouldn't think of it this way. Rather than thinking of imperfect memory being a negative impact of aging, it's more likely to be something that actually helps us make safer, more informed

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