Constantine as a Christian Hero

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Constantine as a Christian Hero

Christianity’s history is filled with division, controversy, and conflict. One of the most important people who contributed to the lasting success of this diverse religion was Constantine. While legalizing Christianity in Roman society, he founded the capital of the eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople. Because of this and other great accomplishments, Constantine appropriately earned the name Constantine the Great.

After his father’s death in 306, the Gaul army hailed Constantine as their ruler. After five years as the emperor of Gaul, Constantine invaded Italy. After defeating the Roman army, Constantine entered Rome as the ruler of the western half of the empire. In 313, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, granting freedom of worship to all persons in the western Roman Empire. The edict also guaranteed legal rights to Christians and the return of property taken from Christians in the past.

By the year 323, Constantine had brought the entire Roman Empire under his rule. At this time, a quarrel threatened the division of Christi...

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