Conservative Party Influence

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The Conservative party in the United Kingdom is the oldest political party and one of the most successful. It was formed in the 18th Century and became a right leaning party (Kesselman, Krieger, Joseph 2015). This party is sometimes also known the unionist party and it was preceded by the Tories. The Tories were supporters of the crown and saw it as a good way to keep Parliament and their opponents in check (Profile: The Conservative Party 2010). In the United Kingdom, the Conservative party held power from 1979-1992, in 2010 (hung parliament), and in 2015. Margaret Thatcher had a very large impact on the Conservative party in the UK and allowing it to be in power for so long during the 1900s. This party can trace its roots back to the King of York, James Stuart (Whig And Tory: Historical Political Party, England 2014). The Conservative party is one of the two major political parties in the United Kingdom. It is currently holding power with David Cameron as the Prime Minister. As a right wing party, it has managed to hold power for a fairly substantial amount of time over the last few decades. However, conservatives have been criticized for being “less exploratory” and “less in need of change” (Mooney 2012). Despite this, …show more content…

As a whole, Conservatives believe that a free market system without government regulation of business will create a better standard of living for the majority of people. We also support legal immigration and the majority of Conservatives support the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Another identifying belief for conservatives is the need to lower taxes and fiscal spending to improve the lives of everyone. Overall, conservatives “believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty…and a strong national defense” and these are the ideals that shape our stances on issues (Conservative Vs. Liberal Beliefs

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