Conservative Essay

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What is a conservative? By definition a conservative is “a person who is conservative in principles, actions, and habits, etc.”( conservative party is popularly known as the political party of morality. There are different levels of being a conservative just like with any other political party. Generally, conservative favors economic freedom, a strong military, and disagree on high taxation. In class we were given a political quiz, and below is where it says that I fall into political ideology: I don’t know how accurate it is but that is what it says I am. I do have some conservative views but not all my views are one of a conservative. My beliefs that fit one of a conservative are mainly with economics. The general beliefs that I have is that the government should be spending less and lessen or at least regulate government handouts. Government handouts for the poor are okay but the handouts should only be meant to help one get back on their own feet. These handouts are not for living off of. I believe a lot of people who are live in poverty is because they lac...

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