Conscientious Person Essay

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1) Conscientiousness is one of the big five personality traits. It is characterized by being very careful and vigilant. The goals of a conscientious person are always to do well in tasks and maintain organization and control. They also take obligations seriously. 2) I am a very conscientious person. I hold obligations tightly, always doing my homework and never missing a class. I also rarely do dangerous acts that force me to lose control. For instance, I don’t drink alcohol because I am careful not to put myself in dangerous situations or in situations in which control is lost. I also am careful in other ways, such as eating a strict diet of health foods and exercising five days a week to maintain health. Pretty much in all aspects of my life I shoot for the ideal, which definitely highlights my careful organization of my day to day. When the ideal is not hit, I get rather anxious about it, because it feels as though order is lost. In these ways and so …show more content…

My mom works a very rigid job and her work ethic, which flows from a desire to do well, a conscientious aspect, has propelled her to a very powerful position in her company. My mom works almost 60 hours a week to stay on top of her work and maintain control over it. Like myself, she rarely drinks, desiring to maintain an image of respectability. Finally, my mom is extraordinarily organized. She does her taxis on time and planes flights for everyone in the family, while keeping everyone’s schedule in mind. She is almost super human in getting things right. Based on the biological approach and specifically the genetic aspect of it, I got a lot of my conscientious aspects from my mom. In a way, our relation makes it completely unsurprising that I am the way I am because some of her was passed down to me. So, I respond to the world in many of the same ways because I am working with some of the same conscientious equipment in my genetic

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