Conrad’s usage of imagery in the - Heart of Darkness -

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Conrad’s usage of imagery in the - Heart of Darkness -

Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher, said that the aim of art is to

represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward

significance. If that is the case, then Joseph Conrad is a true artist

regarding the pictures he paints with his words. Conrad's most

effective literary tool for plot development and expressing the theme

is his use of imagery. Karl, a noted critic, explains this technique

that Conrad uses. “The scenes and images (that Conrad depicts) are a

variety which permits extension and almost a limitless number of

references are possible”(168). His use of imagery is so detailed and

accurate, one feels as if they are in the scene he is describing.

Conrad's work that best represent his profound usage of imagery is,

"Heart of Darkness." In this famous short story, Conrad creates these

evocative images of Britain and other parts of the world showing his

readers the negative side of humanity. He does this by describing

historical events, different races, and the environments in which his

characters dwell. Conrad uses imagery in his short story, "The Heart

of Darkness," to establish a criticism towards western civilized

society and an exploration through the Human Psych.

During his time, British Imperialism spread all across Eastern Asia

and the Africa. Regarding Africa, British colonies could be found in

the southern and central part of the African continent. British

settlers scrambled all across Africa to collect raw natural resources.

Their purpose was to establish new markets for the benefit of their

homeland country (Dahl 168). When Conrad set out to explore the Congo

in 1890, he experienced the horrors of colonialism and imper...

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...s time as well as the human

mentality. He uses this literary tool to give the reader a historical

perception of British imperialism in Africa. Also, he describes the

effects of a dark environment on the human heart. Surprisingly, he

paints a better picture of the black race than he does with the white

race at a time where there was bigotry with the Africans. He also uses

imagery to characterize Kurtz which is not often found in the literary

world. His philosophies of man is also evident in this story

concerning the capability of the mind, significance of work, and the

strong belief in the truth no matter how harsh it is. Garnett, an

acclaimed critic, summarizes Conrad’s usage of imagery by stating

that, “the quality of Mr. Conrad’s art is seen in his faculty of

making us perceive men’s lives in their natural relation to the seen

universe around them”(8).

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