Confucianism Vs. Daoism-On The Foundations Of Government

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Primary Source 5 Analysis Warring Ideas: Confucianism versus Daoism- On the Foundations of Government “Warring Ideas: Confucianism versus Daoism -On the Foundations of Government” incorporates portions from Analects, which were composed by the pupils of Confucius and the book of the Way and its Power by Lao (Laozi). Both creators are Ancient Chinese Philosophers who had distinctive perspectives and thoughts regarding the establishments of government. The source demonstrates the distinctive perspectives that both philosophers had and how their battling lessons offered regional Chinese rulers a choice in political techniques for knowledge. The form that this source is preserved in is excerpt writings from both philosophers on their views of what …show more content…

He needed rulers to be good examples for all people and unite individuals as opposed to isolating them into various positions which was a major issue at the time. The Analects passed on Confucius lessons on morals and the social ideas he proposed. Confucius put forward another ethical system focusing on customs duty and dedication to the family. He believed that everyone has a role in society and high status and leadership roles should be given to anyone from any background with education, qualities, and good moral character. This would be no need for social and birth hierarchy but a hierarchy which is based on the person’s character and education. This would also change how the government is run and the way people are treated in the case of caste systems, laws, and punishments. “Confucian thought builds on the fundamental Chinese world view of this time (that there is a universal order and it is moral, that men must find, preserve, and promote this order and rulers rule with the “Mandate of Heaven” to preserve it)” Confucious teachings have to do with the same ideas that the Zhou Dynasty believed in which was the permission to rule

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