Conformity In Parents Night-From Am I Blue

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Fear is a Destructive Trait An individual's actions and or words is being criticized, judged on a daily-- leading them to a mindset in which they must feel the need to “fit in”. Conformity comes from an individual who must be comfortable with the circumstances being presented in their surroundings and continue letting things “go by” because it is what seems right since- everyone is doing it. A nonconformist does not see relation in what is going on and is against the beliefs that are being presented on a certain topic. In “Parents Night - from Am I Blue?” Karen is gay, but does not feel comfortable in expressing her sexuality because of judgement from her parents and friends and fear of acceptance. In the movie “Fruitvale Station” Oscar Grant speaks up on an injustice that was being done to him and his friends and few minutes later his life is taken away because he was defending his ground. Conformity and Nonconformity can lead onto an unhappy lifestyle based on judgements, fear, and lack of expression to itself due to the behalf of what others in your surrounding may think and is doing; Frustration can build up due to consequences.

In “Parents Night - from Am I blue?” Karen is a girl who figured that she was gay due to an …show more content…

In addition to insecurity of her sexuality. The ones who tend to feel insecurity have difficulties in establishing their life on how they want to. Demi Lovato said “Insecurity kills all that is beautiful”. That meaning that who you claim yourself to be is who you should truly and proudly feel needed to express to the open. Karen didn't have that opportunity to feel comfortable in showing her sexuality to her parents and that led up to the building of frustration. In the story it says “ Then I really exploded. I could felt it coming but there any way I could stop it”. The “explosion” of frustration that she had inside of her unhappy lifestyle due to

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