Conflicts In The Curious Incident

1006 Words3 Pages

RJ Martinez
Beth Beecham
02 October 2017
Eng 32255
Conflicts for Christopher The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, written by Mark Haddon, is about a kid with autism and the conflicts he deals with throughout the book. Christopher is an autistic kid that can not deal with serious situations as normal as the average person. The protagonist, Christopher Boone, has gone through conflicts that make him reevaluate his life. His life has been turned upside down when learning that his father has been keeping secrets from him. The biggest conflict is when Christopher is investigating the murder of Wellington, this leads him to a various number of secrets that his parents have kept from him, this is a major part of the story because …show more content…

Meanwhile, Mr. Boone is in conflict with himself because he does not like to lie to his son, he is the better parent because he is more patient with Christopher and only wants the best for him. However, he has a guilty conscience because he did not tell Christopher at first about killing the dog and he felt that he should not lie to Christopher. Mr. Booner does not like telling Christopher a lie because he feels terrible about it. Christopher explains “ I could see him out of the corner of my eye. And[sic] he said I killed Wellington Christopher” (Haddon 120). Christopher did not understand at first he was confused if it was a joke or not but then he figured out that his father was not joking and he was very serious. Christopher did not know how to respond to this because of his autism he is not very good at dealing with serious situations and has a tough time with this. His autism doesn’t let him fully grasp what is being said to him all at once He needs to analyze it and understand what is happening, He is scared so he sleeps in the backyard because he is terrified his father will kill him too. This is due to his irrational thinking of things because of his autism. Christopher has a hard time dealing with this because he can not process things as fast as the average person. Mr. Boone also has a hard time dealing with this because he is uncertain of how his son will …show more content…

First he leaves his father to go find his mom and ends up staying with her for a short time and then she realizes that she is not capable of taking care of Christopher. So then Judy, Christopher’s mother, and Christopher move back to Swindon and reunite with his father. Then when she finally get Christopher to come over his father gets to talk for five minutes and he brings in the puppy from the other room. The puppy represents the father trying to regain the trust of his son. One night, when the mother was sick, Christopher has to stay with the father. Christopher feels safe because Sandy, the new puppy, was sleeping with him. Knowing that the father wouldn't try to come in because if he did Sandy would bark and it would wake Christopher up. The father is wanting the son to come back and live with him. Since the mother isn’t the idea caretaker and even blames it on him. Blaming most of things on Christopher by stating “Maybe if things were different, maybe if you were different, I might have been better at it” (Haddon 106). Judy is blaming most things that happen on Christopher, when she couldn’t handle things that were going on with the family. When conflict arises for jud she leaves and goes away to have Mr. Boone take care of the situation because he knows how to treat him the best. Mr. Boone realized after she left that if he told Christopher what happened that he wouldn’t fully understand why

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