Conflict Between Native Americans And The White Settlers

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Thousands were killed, and even more injured, all because of some disagreements that these 2 population’s had. There were many cultural differences that contributed to the conflict between the Native Americans and the White Settlers. Some of these discrepancies include government and economic/food differences, and diversity in religion/education. All of these different ideas between 2 groups led to this great conflict between them. First and foremost, the 2 groups had different ideas of how government and leadership should work, and the leaders created a lot of conflict themselves. As said in The Washington Journey on page 87, “Although Indians were to be paid for their land, they often paid very little and sometimes not at all.” This obviously …show more content…

Firstly, as stated in The Washington Journey at page 89, “Commercial fishing was a significant livelihood for many americans.” The Native Americans had been using fish for their own food, then the new settlers discovered the fishing was a very economically supportive activity, this led to competition and conflict between the Native Americans and the White Settlers. Likewise, as said in The Washington Journey, page 67, “[the fur trade caused] the near extinction of fur bearing animals.” Due to this fur trade the the White Settlers brought to Washington. something that the Indians had been doing for hundreds of years, they just almost extinguished it. On the same note of ruining what the Indians had already been doing, according to a letter Chief Moses, the leader of the Columbia-Sinkhouse Indians, wrote, “People who raise hogs in my country must go with their hogs, because they kill out the young camas, and to kill that is to starve us.” Camas are a plant that the Indians ate, so the White Settlers were killing off a main source of food for the indians, the Whites did not use this as food, so these differences caused a lot of rivalry. This greatly caused conflict between the White Settlers and the Native Americans along with all the other things they did to

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