Conflict Between 1820 And 1860 Essay

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Introduction The period between the 1820s and 1860s marks a very important period of the American history of slavery. During this era, the conflict between two main groups was caused by the difference in their perception of slavery. Both the antislavery and proslavery groups played an important role in the liberation of United States citizens from slavery. It was the fight for domination between the Free States and the Slave States that propelled the Civil War. Missouri Compromise 1820 Before the civil war, the fight and conflict between two distinct populations; the North and the South, was motivated by the difference in the socio-economic and lifestyle characteristics in both regions. The people from the North focused on manufacturing production …show more content…

The representation of these two groups in Congress led to the initiation of the Missouri Compromise agreement between the anti-slavery and the pro-slavery groups (Eisenstark, & Weber, 2010). Both parties were in consensus that the slavery was banned in the north of latitude 36 degrees 30’ except with the boards of the state of Missouri. The agreement also allowed slavery in the states that lied on the Southern part of the latitude. Henry Clay sponsored this deal; speaker of the House and it stated that Missouri would become part of the union as a Slave State and that Maine would become part of the union as a Free State. Even though this agreement aimed at striking a balance between the demands of the two parties, most of the people were not happy about it. The Northern people especially were angered by the fact that slavery was extended into Missouri and on the other hand, the

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