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Conflict can be described as a major disagreement or opposing interests or ideas. Whenever people work together, conflict can most often be expected. Conflict is a normal and natural part of any workplace usually resulting from the differences in employees' personalities and values. . When it occurs, there is a tendency for morale to be lowered and a decrease in productivity. While conflict is a normal part of any organizational setting, the challenge of conflict comes from how you choose to deal with it. Masking, avoided or otherwise ignoring conflict will most likely fester and grow into bitterness, create withdrawal or cause discord and spitefulness within an organization. Addressing conflict in a timely manner is important to maintaining a healthy work environment. Believing that a conflict will simply disappear is an incorrect assumption to make because simple conflicts can grow into major problems if not dealt with appropriately. There are many causes or reasons for conflict in any work setting. Different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings between employees and or between employee and manager. Communication, more specifically, lack of or poor communication is in a lot of cases, is the root of the conflict. Think back on conflicts you have experienced over time, and it’s quite possible that many of them resulted from a lack of information, poor information, no information, or misinformation. Clear, accurate, and timely communication of information will help to lower both the number and severity of conflicts. Employees come from different backgrounds and experiences, which play a role in determining their personalities and the way they deal with certain issues. When employees fail or choose not to understand ... ... middle of paper ... ...conflict resolution processes is ultimately reliant upon the ability of all parties involved to understand the benefits of conflict resolution. Perhaps even more importantly, the desire to resolve the matter plays a huge part in conflict resolution. Follow up to make sure the solutions that have been put into place are working, and make adjustments if deemed necessary. This approach will show that you are listening create a dependable, effective and trusting work environment which can make future dealings with workers easier. References Littlejohn, S.W and Domenici, K (2007). Communication, Conflict, and the Management of Difference. Long Grove, IL. Waveland Press, Inc. Borisoff, D and Victor, D.A. (1997). Conflict Management: A Communication Skills Approach. Prospect Heights, IL. Waveland Press. Dana, D. (2000). Conflict Resolution. Madison, WI. McGaw-Hill.

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