Confederation Dbq

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After defeating the Redcoats at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, the American peoples finally had freedom from the British powers they had been rebelling against for so long. This freedom was met with the immediate need to create a strong nation of unified states to legitimize America as its own country. America at this time consisted of 13 colonies, each with their own sovereignty and power over their individual territories. The American people were naturally so far pleased with this system as they felt most in-touch with their colonial governments. The entire reason Americans broke away from their British forefathers was due to an oppressive central government that left the people virtually powerless. So when time came to draft a document officially declaring the separate powers of the states …show more content…

The powers given to the American government were few, and consisted mainly of the ability to handle foreign affairs. The government was not allowed to create taxes, had no executive branch, no judicial branch, and no power to regulate the states’ actions among each other. In order to amend the articles of confederation, under the articles of confederation, the states had to come to unanimous agreement which was a difficult thing to accomplish. There was no central form of currency in America which lead to disagreements among the states and their individual forms of currency. With such little power, the national government was helpless when states had problems with each other, and problems were frequent. Favoring their own local economies, the separate states would tax goods from other states and create trade barriers inhibiting free trade on the interstate level. This led to terrible economic problems in America as a whole, and throughout the 1780s the American people began to realize the Articles of Confederation was in need of revision; the National government had to be

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