Confederate Flag Research Paper

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This essay is in favor of people flying the Confederate Flag due to its true meaning. In this essay I will provide the historical and the religious meaning of the flag, I will provide support for the flag, I will provide opposing viewpoints and a rebuttal for those viewpoints. For the people that don't know why others support the flag, I will give reasons why it is not a racist symbol but more of a religious and historical symbol. First I will talk about historical meaning. In December 1860, South Carolina decided to secede from the Union just months after an Anti-Slavery Republican named Abraham Lincoln was elected as president. In April 1861 at Fort Sumter, South Carolina the first shots of the Civil War were fired. After South Carolina seceded, 10 other states would soon follow in its footsteps and form the Confederate States of America or the CSA. The Confederate Flag currently under “attack” is better known as the …show more content…

That flag was only a battle flag of General Robert Edward Lee’s army in Northern Virginia. After the war between the North and the South, the flag became a symbol not only of those who died, but became a symbol of Southern Pride and heritage. In recent years, the flag has became a symbol of the Ku Klux Klan and other groups who believe in white supremacy. The flag has also been the symbol of the “States’ Rights Democratic Party” also known as the “Dixiecrats” and was formed in 1948 to oppose civil-rights platforms of the Democratic Party (Taylor, Jessica. "The Complicated Political History Of The Confederate Flag." NPR. NPR, 22 June 2015. Web. 03 Nov. 2015.) Former Neurosurgeon and current presidential candidate Ben Carson said that “The Confederate flag causes a lot of

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