Confederate Flag Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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The Confederate Flag Needs To Be Allowed On Clothing In Schools! Do you ever get cheated on things or get blamed for something you didn't do. Thats how students in school feel when they get in trouble for bearing the confederate flag on clothing. The school system and some students think that the confederate flag is offensive and shouldn't be aloud in school. These assertions are not correct! The Confederate flag is and should be allowed on clothing in school. The pride of the south the Confederate flag needs to be allowed to be worn on clothing in school because it is used as religion and tradition, the flag can be taken the wrong way but does not represent or mean slavery,the flag can be considered unworthy of school by the administrator …show more content…

The teachers or administrators who say it is offensive or racist may be against the subject so consider it offensive. " My problem with what's going on at the school, is that the dress code isn't applied consistently across the student body," Melanie Kulla said. This is an example because if some people do not think it is offensive or racist then they will not be turned in. Chris Kulla said, “He's gotten no flak from other students for his choice of apparel, and that, about a month ago, he got more than 100 students to sign a petition to allow apparel bearing the flag to be worn in the school.” This is another reason that it is a matter of opinion on the subject of whether it is offensive or not. Because these students and or friends do not care about it or think it is racist and may even have history or traditions with the Confederate flag. Some people suggest that wearing the confederate flag in schools is offensive and racist also represents slavery. "It's a symbol of hate that's offensive to people," Crady said. They think this because of the history that is affiliated with it. This is not what they actually represent it represents heritage and tradition now a days. So People now get it confused with what it meant back then and now. The people who do not agree are worried and afraid of the old meaning and do not understand why it is worn

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