Concussions In Sports Essay

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Athletes all around the world are affected by injuries every single day. One of the most common injuries would be a concussion. No matter how serious the injury could be, the same procedure to diagnose them should all be the same. Players are not being taken care of the way that they deserve to be. Concussions play a disturbing role in our sports communities and need to be analyzed and taken care of as soon as it occurs. Concussions add a dangerous aspect of play to the games that many people enjoy to watch and participate in. To begin with, concussions can never truly be 100% avoidable. However, being taught the proper form and technique can help concussions from happening. When you first sign up to play a sport, you must sign a contract that states that you are completely aware of the risks that come along with playing it. So, when you are playing a sport, you also have to deal with the added risks and consequences that come along with it. In “Sports Medical Conditions”, it is stated that “However, the degree of risk to a particular participant is not limited to the degree of physical contact created in the sport. An equally important consideration …show more content…

Over training is the effect of forcing the body to work too hard without the rest to compensate for it. This is very important because if an athlete is being over trained, they may be putting too much stress on a certain area of the body. Over training may also force the athlete to completely forget about proper form and risk further injury. In “Overtraining and Burnout in Sports”, it is stated that athletes will perform the best when they can quickly recover during competition and can handle stress, recovery, and future stress (Kellmann). After every practice or game, a cooldown stretch should be done to help relax muscles and keep them at ease. Doing these stretches very often will help decrease the risk of any injury

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