Concept Of Concepts In Architecture

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Concepts play a key role in the development of innovative design solutions. Concepts are used to frame some general design approach. Even though there is no sharp distinction between the process of production and the process of interpretation of designs, an “intended” interpretation usually guides the actions of the designers. Concepts are used to frame some general design approach. In the absence of standard pre-organizing design principles, designers base their search on tentative constructions, or hypotheses which they gradually convert into pragmatic ones. Unlike a scientific hypothesis, which aims at being predictive a design hypothesis aims at being productive: it aims to produce …show more content…

Moreover, the principles of geometry are not confined to great temples and monuments. Geometry shapes all buildings, no matter how humble. The relationship between geometry and architectural design are described and discussed along some examples. Geometry is the fundamental science of forms and their order. Geometric figures, forms and transformations build the material of architectural design. In the history of architecture geometric rules based on the ideas of proportions and symmetries formed fixed tools for architectural design. Proportions were analyzed in nature and found as general aesthetic categories across nature and art. Therefore proportions such as the golden section were seen as the power to create harmony in architecture as well as in art and music. Geometry can be seen also as a structural science. The architectural design is based on geometric structures developed out of the idea of transformations. The symmetry transformations are visible as design concepts through history of architecture. In contemporary architecture there are no fixed rules about design concepts. But there are still relations to geometric space concepts. There is a need of new geometric background for architectural design.
• Mythology and anecdotes based concepts
Architectural mythology means the symbolism of real-world architecture, as well as describes the importance of vastu Shastra in architecture.
• History and context based approach to

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