Concentrated Poverty

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The study I look at focuses on understanding trends in concentrated poverty. Their conceptual definitions are that concentrated poverty the dependent variable is defined as high rates of poverty in specific neighborhoods or groups of neighborhoods. The independent variables overall poverty is defined as neighborhoods where at least 40 percent of the population is poor. The independent variables income segregation defined as the differential distribution of people various income levels across different places. The last independent variable racial segregation is defined in terms of poverty as concentrated poverty that builds a set of mutually reinforcing and self-feeding spirals of decline into black neighborhoods.
2. The research talks about …show more content…

They research first operationalize the variables by defining high poverty as neighborhoods where at least 40 percent of the population is poor. They study mostly uses decennial census from 1980 to the 2000s. The first benefit the author talks about comparison over time changes tract and boundaries from one census to the next. They then calculated poverty across metropolitan area using the American community survey data from 2010 to 2014 to find the amount of concentrated poverty. The calculate the extent of concentrated poverty in a metropolitan area as the percentage of a metro area's poor population that lives in high poverty neighborhoods. They then operationalize the independent variable racial segregation. The research states that they use black and white metro poverty rates in race-specific models. They measure using a multigroup information theory index when looking for concentrated poverty in relation to race. They operationalized income segregation by looking at the amount of concentrated poverty in a metropolitan area as the percentage of a metro area's poor population that lives in …show more content…

A different way they could operationalize constrained poverty is instead looking at poverty across just metropolitan areas the researchers could also look at rural areas. The study only focuses on metro areas when looking at their different variables looking at rural population such small rural towns could also give better insight into concentrated poverty in the Unites States. For the independent variables, such racial segregation they could look other races as well. Another way they could operationalize is looking at the gender makeup of a metropolitan area. Looking at the overall gender population of an area could give greater insight into the research. The research also noted that there was a need for additional study of white concentrated poverty. Another new way to operationalize would be to measure and collect data and focuses on only predominately white metropolitan areas and their degree of concentrated

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