Computer And Academic Achievement: The Impact Of Computers In The Classroom

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Do you ever wonder how professors handle huge lecture classes throughout the semester? They use computers to utilize software and web programs to enhance the learning experience. In this reading you will learn and understand how computers have positively and negatively impacted Higher Education over the years. Some people completely support the use of computers in the classroom while others completely reject the thought. With the average class size doubling it’s becoming harder for the professor to have a one on one experience and teach the student so that they actually learn. But with the implementation of computers students can now email and talk to their professors. They can also complete and turn in assignments making it easier on the professor …show more content…

Yes, Blackboard and Email are good to use for school purposes but there are also things that can distract you from getting that A. Facebook and YouTube are two applications that can distract a user from doing work that is on the computer. In the article “Impact of Facebook usage on students’ academic achievement: role of self-regulation and trust” a group ran a test to see if when a student used a mass of social media would it affect there grade in a positive or negative way. After issuing the paper test to 239 students the results returned that the people who used social media more performed poorly on the test while those who did not use it as much performed normal or above average. This shows that there are many applications that can optimize the college experience but there are also applications that can hurt it. Other than social media another program that can easily distract a student is YouTube and this happens harmlessly when a student could be looking for a song to listen to during his work and they find a video that looks interesting and the next thing they know it’s been three

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