Compulsory Heterosexuality In The Poisonwood Bible By Nathan Price

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Adrienne Rich argues for a “cluster of forces within which women have been convinced that marriage and sexual orientation towards men are inevitable – even if unsatisfying or oppressive – components of their lives,” a concept known as “compulsory heterosexuality” (Rich 290-291, 289). In The Poisonwood Bible, Nathan Price enforces this view of compulsory heterosexuality, leading his daughters to believe that a woman’s only purpose in life is to become an obedient wife. He breaks down the power and independence of his daughters in an attempt to enforce his will. Because of his household tyranny, his oldest daughter Rachel becomes completely dependent on the power of men such as her father and her first husband in order to survive. Left alone in Africa by her family with no female companionship, she finds solace through herself and ultimately rejects compulsory …show more content…

Nathan views education as not only unnecessary, but potentially wasteful and dangerous: “Sending a girl to college is like pouring water in your shoes…It’s hard to say which is worse, seeing it run out and waste the water, or seeing it hold in and wreck the shoes” (56). Nathan believes that knowledge will either wreck his daughters, as they might be able to think for themselves, or will simply run out of them because they are too weak to retain their learning. He sees the women in his family as “dull-witted, bovine females” who are pliable to his needs (73). Adrienne Rich refers to this as a part of the “Great Silence” in which men “withhold from (women) large areas of the society’s knowledge and cultural attainments” (Rich 290). Rachel knows she is a victim of this circumstance, “telling him off good in the bathroom mirror,” while proclaiming “I’ll show you whose mind is a blank slate!” (426). However, because she is subservient to her father, Rachel refuses to declare this sentiment to his

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