Comprehensive Sex Education Argumentative Analysis

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Currently, the United States is one of the most industrialized countries in the world, yet when it comes to the subject of sex, we are still probably one of the highest when it comes to pregnancy and STD rates among teens. Because of this, there are many views that people hold on how to stop it and what is correct and what’s wrong. Between a comprehensive sex education and abstinence only, there needs to be a solution that can reduce the amount of unplanned pregnancies and STD’s going around in teens for their safety and other results that come from the common lack of knowledge that is given to teens today.
According to the National Conference of Legislature As of 2013, less than half of the states states have some program related to Sex …show more content…

STD’s are used as an example of a result of sexual activity, but condoms and birth control are not mentioned at all
Comprehensive Sexual Education: Teaches everything revolving sex and relationships related to the subject.
60 percent of today’s graduates having sex, and 1 in 4 sexually active teens has a sexually transmitted diseases.
As the results have become higher many solutions have come to
As teen pregnancy/STD rates are still high and the lack of well-informed sex education there is, comprehensive sex education classes should be required for all students to at least be informed when it comes to sex. The National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy did a study based on supplying schools with a comprehensive sex ed class. The results had shown that two thirds of the 48 programs that were given has down results showed that two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive sex ed programs studied had positive effects.
40% of the students delayed sexual initiation, reduced the number of sexual partners, or increased condom or contraceptive use.
30% reduced the frequency of sex, including a return to abstinence.
60% reduced unprotected

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