Composing Corpses: Act Utilitarianism

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Composing Corpses: Act Utilitarianism Debra Limehouse PHI1600 Studies in Applied Ethics Professor Cappleman 3/6/2016 Main ethical issue: Katrina Spade wants to come up a better method to disposing of the dead. Her project, known as the Urban Death Project is envisioned to have people bring their corpses into a composting facility, place the bodies on a core during a ceremony and then within a few months the bodies would be fully decomposed. She would then use the ashes as a soil to be used in public parks or given to family members. Consumers did not like this idea because they saw that this type of act was disrespectful, disgusting and repulsive to cultural and religious traditions. Application: As I have learned in Chapters 4 and 5 of the text, Act …show more content…

Stake holder 1: consumers (12,000) Views it as ethically and morally wrong (-6x12,000) Disrespectful to religion and the deceased (-5x12,000) Legal issues involved. (-3x12,000) Upset and outraged and hope this does not get approved. (+5x12,000) Stake Holder 2: Funeral homes (1,000) Could be put out of business or face slow business if her project is considered (-3x1,000) Sales pitches to enhance business such as advertising, marketing themselves more (-5x1,000) Less work for them to do if family members chose for their loved one to be cremated (-7x1,000) Unused office spaces, equipment and or materials (-4x1,000) Stake Holder 3: Katrina Backlash from consumers. (-8) Thinking about environmentally friendly options (+10) Saves money on funeral costs yet (+7) Wants to see her project go through but could face legal issues (+5) Net Utility -75,008 -64,990 -42,993 +8,010 (-10 being the lowest and 10 being the highest amount of

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