Completing Christian Addiction

1534 Words4 Pages - Returning To Church After Completing Christian Addiction Treatment Drug addiction threatened your health and your faith for years, but you're finally ready to beat it by attending a Christian addiction treatment center. We know this is a difficult decision, but its the best one you could possibly make and God is smiling down on you for it. However, you're a little concerned about returning to church after you've finished with your recovery. You feel like you've sinned and are worried that others will look down on you for it. That's simply not the case, as Christians understand that we all sin and are willing to forgive for it. Besides, your church is your community and the people there love you and care about your needs. …show more content…

Your addiction recovery will challenge every aspect of your personality and can often leave you exhausted. Social contact may seem difficult during this period, especially in the large and friendly atmosphere of a church service. Ask yourself the following questions to gauge whether or not you're emotionally prepared to attend church: Are you scared to talk to people who don't know about your recovery? Do you feel any type of spiritual uncertainty that may make church attendance difficult? Have you confessed your sins to a priest or reverend? Is your guilt about your addiction heavy and hard to face? The answers to these questions can be difficult, and if you don't feel you're quite ready, talk to your spiritual leader about it. They can give you advice, listen to your confession, absolve you of your guilt, and help return your spiritual faith. Being reminded that drug addiction is a disease, not a sin, is often an important part of recovery for many …show more content…

It also gives you the chance to ingratiate yourself with the church community again and to reap the major benefits that come from these social and spiritual centers. Reconnecting With Church Friends Beyond the spiritual aspect of church is the way it brings together people, families, and friends. For centuries, religious services have been the social bond that has held communities together. Your church is no different and you likely have multiple friends who you care about and who care about you. Even if you don't see them outside of church, these relationships are vitally important. discussed the importance of church in society and the myriad of ways that it helps people. It discussed the political and spiritual elements, but had this to say about the social element of church: “(some people) see the church’s importance as a social institution. It helps meet the physical needs of the poor and the emotional needs of the lonely and distraught. It ministers to people at the pivotal times of life: birth, marriage, death, and times of

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