Competitive Sports Are Beneficial To Kids

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Competitive sports What if every kid just went to school, and came home right away everyday, with no other plans until school the next day. Think about how boring that would be for so many kids. All though people argue that sports are too stressful, competitive sports allow kids to take out all the steem they have kept in the entire school day. It would give kids a chance to run around and use some of the energy they can’t use at school. Along with that they allow kids to stay in shape, learn teamwork, and become a leader. Therefore competitive sports are beneficial to kids. First of all, kids can stay in shape much easier because of competitive sports. According to an article by Mango, physical fitness is important to combat obesity. Seeing this makes me think if kids have been playing these sports since they were little they are most likely healthier than kids who don’t play. In addition the practices a few days a week burn calories that you don’t usually have the chance to burn, also most coaches motivate healthy eating according to an article by Davis. Lastly an article by O’Connor showed that obesity rates were lowered by 26% in kids who played 2 or more sports a year. Competitive sports can keep you in shape and healthy. …show more content…

The New York Times had an article about parents wanting their kids to learn the important lessons that sports teach. Teamwork included in that. That makes me think, if you get good teamwork skills early, wouldn’t that help your future. It also teaches kids to cooperate with each other which is a basic skill everyone needs to learn says McGroarty.Lastly it teaches kids to focus without interruption. This would be a very helpful thing to have in school and in other parts of life. Yet I don’t think anything could teach it as well as sports

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