Comparsion Of The Stepsisters In Cinderella By Grimm Brothers

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¨Then her mother gave her a knife and said, ´Cut off your toe. When you are queen you will no longer have to go on foot´¨(Grimm par. 49). In the Grimm Brothers version of “Cinderella”, in an attempt to fit their feet into the slipper in which the Prince uses to decide his wife, the Stepsisters of Cinderella cut of parts of their heel and toes. Along with losing parts of their feet, at the end of the story, both Stepsisters have both of their eyes pecked out by pigeons. All of the misfortune the Stepsisters exhibit at the end of the story help develop the morals of this story; revenge. The Stepsisters deserve the revenge they receive for all the adversity they bring to Cinderella's life. The Stepsisters bring Cinderella misery in all three versions, …show more content…

In the Grimm Brothers version, the color red is used to portray violence. This can be recognized when the Stepsisters cut off parts of their feet to try and fit it in the slipper to become the new princess. “Then he looked at her foot and saw how the blood was running from it. He turned his horse around and took the false bride home again,”(Grimm 53). This utilization of blood creates a violent feeling connected to the Stepsisters due to the color red’s association with blood and violence. The use of the red archetype in the Grimm Brothers version separates it from the other two versions by creating a violent mood throughout the story while the other two versions give off a rather positive mood, however, the color red is still used as an archetype in each version. The color red is more commonly used to represent power rather than violence. For example, in the Little Golden Book Version the evil Stepmother wears a red dress the entire time to show that she has power over the household and Cinderella. The story shows the Stepmother’s power over Cinderella by describing how the Stepmother treated her. The story states that “The Stepmother gave Ella a little room in the attic, old rags to wear, and all the housework to do”(Little Golden Book 4). In The Little Golden book version, red is also use to illustrate power through the Prince. The Prince wears a red …show more content…

How the stepfamily treats Cinderella is echoed through each version; like a maid. In each version Cinderella is taken away from her room and forced to sleep in some absurd place. In the Grimm Brothers Version, Cinderella did not have a bed, “Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes”(Grimm 6). A hearth is the floor of a fireplace, which means Cinderella was forced to sleep on a floor next to a fireplace. In the Little Golden Book Version, “The Stepmother gave Ella a little room in the attic,”(Little Golden Book 4). This piece is just like the film version, where the Stepmother forces Cinderella to stay in a dark room in the attic, and forces her out of her own bedroom. Where Cinderella sleeps is an example of how the relationships between Cinderella and the stepfamily are all similar. Differences can be found in what they make her do to be able to go to the Prince’s ball. In the Grimm Brothers version, after they get news of the ball the Stepsisters force call Cinderella and tell her “‘Comb our hair for us. Brush our shoes and fasten our buckles. We are going to the festival at the kings castle’”(Grimm 16). In this version they force her to get them ready for the ball, which doesn’t happen in any of the other versions. The Stepmother’s reaction to Cinderella’s proposal of her going to the ball is also different in this version.

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