Comparisons and Contradictions of the Cultures and Ideas of the Americans and Spanish by Jessica Herford

572 Words2 Pages

The following paper will be comparative of the cultures and ideas of the Americans and the Spanish. It will be primarily referring to the paper “Lived Ethnicity: Archaeology and Identity in Mexicano America, by Bonnie J. Clark”. The similarities as well as the differences will be discussed. After the comparisons and contrasts have been established, there will be a prediction of what will happen when these two cultures meet and begin to interact with one another. One of the first comparisons that can be made is how the living space of the Spanish was drastically different from that of the Americans. The Spanish lived in Plazas that were made from sandstone, while the Americans made there houses out of trees. The way the Plazas where built was also a unique part of the Spanish culture. Clark states: “At La Placita, five of the seven structures have doorways facing out to the central site area”1. This leads to the conclusion that the Spanish where very community oriented with their living spaces. Even the land that the Plazas sat on where communally held, no one person could c...

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