Comparison of Maupassant's Short Stories

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Comparison of Maupassant's Short Stories 'A Vendetta' is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant pre 1914. It is set in Bonifacio, Corsica and is about Antoine Saverini who was savagely murdered and his mother who swore over his dead body that she would seek revenge. After an argument, Nicolas Ravolati murders Antoine Saverini by stabbing him in the back. When his mother sees her son's dead body for the first time, brought to her house by passers by, she sheds no tears however, she swears she will avenge him. The old woman knows that she is too old and weak to avenge his death herself. One night while Frisky the dog howled she was suddenly inspired. For three months she trained Frisky to kill by mistreating and aggravating her as a result of starving Frisky of food. When the old woman feels Frisky is fully trained she hitches a lift across the strait to the Island of Sardinia with a Sardinian Fisherman. For the duration of the trip across to the Island of Sardinia the old woman teased Frisky with a sausage to excite her. When they reached the island she enquired where Nicolas Ravolati was. She found him working in the back of his workshop, she sets Frisky on him. Frisky rips his throat to ribbons killing him. That night the old woman and Frisky slept soundly knowing that she had avenged her son and had kept her promise. I personally liked the fact that Maupassant showed how 'A dog really is a man's best friend' because it is the dog who commits the murder to avenge his masters death, however the moral of this story is clearly that the desire for revenge can be so strong that one can commit the same crime as one has sworn to... ... middle of paper ... ...ork involves fishing. In 'A Vendetta' the old woman hitches a lift across the strait with a Sardinian Fisherman. In Goderville they live simple lives and work as agricultural farmers. 'A vendetta' is written about a woman and 'A Piece of String' is written about a man. In 'A Vendetta', I have sympathy with Frisky because no one should treat an animal like the old woman did. For this reason I don't feel much sympathy for the old woman. In the beginning of the story I did feel sorry for her because of the loss of her son. Her son was really her only friend. In 'The Piece of String' I felt sympathy for Master Hauchecorne because he was wrongly accused of stealing the wallet when it wasn't him at all, plus how the mayor believed Master Hauchecorne over Master Malandain as it was his word against Master Malandain's.

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