Comparison Of Scar And The Lion King

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Disney movies have created a whole genre of children’s movies that have spanned throughout the decades, they detail social values and personal goals. Evil wreaking society but good overcoming the trials. All Disney movies are remembered for heroes overcoming obstacles to defeat an antagonist. Villains influence Disney movies roles by actually making schemes to build up the plot. In the Lion King, Scar convinces other that he should be the king, while simultaneously endangering the life of Simba and their whole pride. Scar is second son of the previous lion king and only has right to be king if the first son or his heir are incapable to lead. Aladdin, Jafar tries to steal the right to be sultan in the Arabian town, Agrabah. Though Scar effects …show more content…

Scar is the legitimate second prince of the tribe, therefore he has to follow the rules of the king. After Scar’s brother, Mufassa, inherits the throne, Scar became enraged his father did not choose him. Mufassa soon later produces an heir, Simba, that will eventually inherent the throne. The King’s child therefore makes Scar chance at becoming king extremely low. Scar comes up with a scheme that causes a great uproar after the alleged death Mufassa, the brother that he actually killed thus claiming his right to rule the savanna. For Scar plan to succeed, he sends his henchman to kill Simba. These deaths enabled Scar to rule the savanna thus completing the hostile takeover. The violent actions elaborate on how evil will destroy anyone deem useless in their …show more content…

Jafar deceives the Sultan with hypnotic powers to create his engagement to Princess Jasmine; however, Jasmine despise even the thought of engagement with him. Eventually, Jafar tricks Aladdin to retrieve the magical lamp. Jafar’s minion Lago steals the lamp from Aladdin for Jafar. Jafar calls upon the genie to appear. The genie grants each of his masters’ three wishes, becoming a servant to the wishes. Jafar wishes that he becomes the sultan, which replaces the current ruler’s authority. Scar uses similar deceit to trick his brother and pride of his true intention. Scar sends Simba to a ravine so he could be killed by an oncoming stampede. Scar informs Mufassa that a wildebeest stampede has occurred and Simba is stuck in the center. Scar does not tell anyone that he plotted the hyenas to chase the wildebeests, which then causes the stampede. Mufassa frantically rushes to rescue his son from with the help of Scar. Simba is retrieved by Mufassa, but both are caught in stampede. Dangerously leaping up the walls of the cliffs surrounding them, Mufassa is caught up in the stampede before managing to pull himself to safety. Mufassa climbing up a cliff and frantically asking Scar for assistance to pull him up. Scar deceives Mufassa by pretending he will help save Mufassa, but then throws his brother from the ledge. Mufassa falls to his death from the high cliff into the ravine to be trampled. Scar

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