Debate: Life Imprisonment vs Death Penalty

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Life in Prison Vs the death Penalty

The straps are tightened around his wrists and legs. The cold helmet placed upon his head. After saying his last words, two thousand volts of electricity shoot through his body as he begins to squirm and shake. Suddenly the life is taken out of him and the job is done. This is the death penalty. Think about it, did he deserve it? Every crime law differs among the states. The question is, is the prisoner given the right punishment they deserve? Every state has different Judicial Laws among the death penalty. Execution methods since 1976 are lethal injection, electrocution, gas chamber, and hanging firing squad. The most popular today are lethal injection and electrocution. Many Catholics look down …show more content…

According to Clifton, her organization attempts to show how the death penalty and abortion are part and parcel of the same exact issue. She stated “If you look at the seamless garment metaphor at both ends--when we close the loophole the death penalty, we close it on all life issues. California has had many disputes and factors in the midst of the death penalty. The year of 2012 there were 733 people on death row in California with only 13 persecutions in the past 40 years. Magnificent numbers of high costs maintaining the death penalty. These cases have taken years and have to be done the proper way, through trial and law. These long cases are added to a state budget and increased in time and the state law is there by hand. Money did a huge factor of talking in the state of California and was wanting to ban death row. Within 1948 through 2011 California spent over and above four billion all over trials, appeals, and incarceration. As reported by Loyola law Review, “prisons are overcrowded, and death row has run out of space.” “Plans in the works to build a new facility to house the overflow of men at San Quentin, California's most notorious prison, would have cost the state hundreds of millions.” The governor of California …show more content…

3 review cases with of life in prison. 1 for death Take responsibility for your actions and take the punishment. It violates our principles,

It started with constitution of our first prison

My cousin Nicole Reiser Bennett was raped, murdered and dumped on the side of a road June of 2012. She had three daughters, Lauren 16, Emily 12, and Alli 6 years old now. Losing a mother at such a young age. Their mother was taken from them and little Alli was not even one and barely got to know her mother. The DNA was all found on her and the killer was found. The killer Matthew Burton, pleaded guilty and only got 30 years in prison. This case was just closed five years after she had been killed Wednesday, April 5th, 2017.This disgusts the family, justice has not been served. My family has not seen any remorse in this man. He will only be in his late 50s when he can walk free. He will be on the sex offender list, more than that needs to be done. A murder will be free and could go back out and take another person's life. A person with a family, a spouse, siblings, cousins. We all miss out on getting to know that person, my cousins have to live every day without their mother. Due to Delaware's law, there is no death row or no capital

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