Comparison Of Hitch And Hello Dolly

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Love is something that nearly all people strive for, but many people struggle with the interactions required to find this love. Because of the difficulties people have with finding love, the idea of a matchmaker might sound enticing. In both the movies Hitch and Hello Dolly the main character is a matchmaker, and they each have their own ideas and techniques concerning getting the attention of a potential lover. Hitch was released in 2005, and Hello Dolly was released in 1969 and set in 1890, so it would stand to reason that the ideas and techniques considered viable would be drastically different in the two movies. However, upon viewing of both of these movies, that idea may be proven wrong. The opening scene of Hello Dolly has the main …show more content…

Therefore, it represents the views of the late 1800’s quite well. That time period was very much about keeping up appearances in order to maintain one’s social standing. This belief is demonstrated in how important the elegance of the first date was to the women in the movie. At that time, first impressions played an important role in deciding how the rest of the relationship would play out. That is why the first date and the introduction are so important to get right. The first kiss also carried a hefty weight with the characters in the film. The main goal of one of the men in the story was to go to New York and not return home until he had kissed a woman. The kiss at that time was a show of maturity. It was important for this character to make this next step of life into manhood, and it was a kiss that could do that for him. This is where Dolly came in; she gave him the knowledge necessary to get out with a woman on a date, and she educated him on how to make a date successful. With this knowledge, he was able to successfully get his first kiss. A kiss at that time meant a great deal, and the kiss in this film shows the truth to Dolly’s teachings on how to ensure a relationship can form. The ideas about love and finding love revolved around first introductions and good impressions. Respect was valued at that time. In modern times it seems like these basic ideas have changed, and the first …show more content…

This matchmaker, Hitch, deals only with male customers, and he focuses on getting them through their first three dates with a woman. One of his biggest ideas for making a good first impression was “shock and awe.” He told the men that they needed to do something impressive for the woman to get her attention in the beginning stages of the relationship. This idea, while it is more detailed and specific, reflects Dolly’s idea on the social introduction. Both of these matchmakers had the same philosophy that a first impression had great potential to start a relationship. Another of Hitch’s pieces of advice was about the first date; he instructed his clients on how to make a good impression and not mess anything up. He gave advice on how to show her the interest but also not to come on too strong. He was not so focused on elegance, but it was still important to be tasteful with the choice of date. In this example, Hitch’s advice was more specific again, but it does agree with Dolly’s ideas about keeping the impressions positive with the first date. The importance of the first kiss in this movie matches that of Hello Dolly. Hitch tells his clients that most women will judge the entire relationship on the first kiss, and he gives them some very detailed advice about how to carry out this action. Again, his ideas and techniques are in agreeance with those of Dolly. While Hitch’s

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