Comparison Of Gun Control: Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders

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Gun Control: Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders The gun laws in California are some of the most restrictive in the United States. In order to purchase a gun legally, one must obtain a firearm safety certificate by passing a written test. There is a 10-day waiting period as well as many limitations on who may own a firearm. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are two democratic candidates who recently had a presidential debate in Flint Michigan for the 2016 election. The purpose of this essay is to compare both candidates’ standpoint on the subject of gun control and determine which candidate has the best policy. In the United States there has been, “372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870” (BBC). Some recent shootings in the United States, for instance are Sandy Hook, Antigo high school in Wisconsin where there was one death and two injured, Madison high school in Ohio where 4 kids under the age of 15 were shot and injured, etc. One shooting in particular that will be focused on is …show more content…

The number of deaths from smoking cigarettes is nearly 266 times larger than deaths from gun control, so does that mean Clinton will blame tobacco companies for the deaths? No, it doesn’t make sense for the reason that it’s the person who chooses to smoke, and it’s the person who chooses to buy a guns fault for those deaths, not the company who sells it. Bernie Sanders went on to mention that it is nearly impossible to know whether or not something like this is going to happen, there is no real solution to this matter. However he stated that he would do everything to seek out steps in order to minimize the risk of a mass shooting happening in the

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