Comparison Of George Orwell's Big Brother Is Watching You?

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“Big brother is watching you.” This phrase, coined in the book 1984, sparked fear in the citizens of Oceania, the dystopian society described in the novel. The protagonist of 1984 lists the extreme methods the government, under the alias Big Brother, uses to monitor their citizens. George Orwell wrote this book in the 1960 's to theorize a possible dystopian future for humanity, and many people took the book just as it is, purely fictional. However, there are some worrying parallels growing between life in the book and life in the real world. Every day the government uses its technology to search for more information, and every day our society becomes more and more similar to the dystopia described in 1984.
In the novel, the government keeps constant, strict surveillance over every citizen. An audio/video surveillance unit called a “telescreen”, installed in every room, enables the government to accomplish this task (Orwell 4). Using this technology and others, an entire task force exists in 1984 for the sole purpose of reading minds and predicting actions. This organization is called the Thought Police. The effectiveness of this department keeps the people of Oceania into a cycle of constant paranoia, assuming that “every sound you made was overheard,” and that
They can simply call major cell phone companies for the information they need. The NSA uses a specified intelligence budget to pay communication companies such as Verizon for access to their scores of personal phone calls, emails, and IMs. The NSA received 250 million communications from these companies in the year 2013 (Gellman). Nearly all of these intercepted communications are personal and business-related. These are not from secret, plotting assassins or bio terrorist groups. These are from normal American

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