Comparison In Key Man And Batman's Superheroes

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Like snowflakes no two superheroes are alike, Key Man and Batman are no exception. At first glance they could be the same: Two superheros out to protect and save their city, deceased parents, a light that projects their amazing symbol to beckon them when needed, and on the list goes. However, the two are night and day. Key Man and Batman are alike and different in aspects such as: childhood, powers, integrity, life choices, and their overall goal as a superhero.
One’s childhood, how and who one was brought up greatly impacts who one becomes. Both Key Man and Batman grew up without their parents for the majority of their childhood. Key Man never knew his biological parents and sadly his adopted parents were terrible, constantly talking down to him and treating him absolutely horrendously. As for Batman, both of his parents died when he was around the age of eight, leaving him in the care of the family butler, Alfred. Although every great superhero tends to have a depressing backstory, no hero is complete without their special abilities. …show more content…

Afterall, that is what differentiates a superhero from an ordinary person, right? Wrong. Key Man and Batman both have the ability to fly, however, Batman relies on his cape to fly whereas Key Man posses the natural ability to fly like his fellow avian friends. For Key Man, it was not until he was restrained by handcuffs that he realized he had powers, then he started to figure out and fine tune them. For Batman, he never had that epiphany moment where he realized he contained a supernatural ability. The reason is simple: Batman does not have any natural powers, yet he is still recognized as one of the most popular and skilled superheroes. The reason for this is because Batman realized something not many have: Anyone can be a superhero, one just has to possess boldness, determination, and

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